‘m a Technical Solutions Architect working as a consultant using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement for the past 15+ years and have been as a software developer for the past 18 years
This is my personal blog. It is focused to help people become the best version of themselves and allow them to grow in many different ways, as technologies, coach and mentor been helping others achieve and succeed where need it most
I write about technology, leadership, productivity, social media, health, and, on occasion, other un-related topics that are interesting to me and the resources I’m discovering and applying to my personal and business life.
My goal is to create insightfully, relevant content that you can put to work in your personal and professional life.
I typically post two times a week. please make sure you don’t miss my newest post, you can subscribe by Email, you can find it on the side panel or at the bottom of the page
My Top Post
If you are new to my website, you might want to start with my most popular post. Here are my top post by category
- Public Speaking
- Technical Development
- Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE
- Power Apps
- Power Automate
- Virtual Agent
- AI Builder
My Biography
I have been working as a developer since 1995 with different technologies and computer languages, some like Dbase III, Clipper, FoxBase, to name a few of the old technology; (I don’t even remember how to develop in those languages anymore!).
Starting the year 2000 I moved to Dallas TX area and made the transition to Microsoft development environments and languages, I was intrigued to learn the new technology for the Internet and Web Development so I start learning Visual Basic and started as a consultant with a big financial company, long story made short, I was with that company for more than 5 years were I learned and developed on the new .Net Framework and languages like C# and VB.Net.
My interest in web development and internet business continues; after this, I worked for a startup company that was implementing a dating website, and I was one of the Senior developers by this time, one of the areas I was in charge of was the Customer Service group and developing the tools they need to maintain the customers and subscribers, that’s when I started my career with Microsoft Dynamics CRM version 1.2, moved the implementation to version 3, and in 2008 I was hired by Microsoft to work with the MCS (Microsoft Consulting Services) so after 5 long years of 100% travel made my decision to leave Microsoft and stay home working with local consultant companies and customers, it was a difficult decision but I was a little overwhelmed with the travel.
Now I’m at home and travel is a lot less, continue my career as a consultant successfully implementing, developing, training, and mentoring develops and customers in Web-related technologies; this is a good time to enter the cloud and design more interesting things like integrations, that is one of the areas I been focusing these days, however, that is my regular day to day job
Broad Perspectives
Today my focus has changed I’m so interested in Online Marketing and Sales, more immersed in Social Media as a tool for Marketing and Sales, in this website my intention is to add those tools and techniques that will provide a complete solution for small and large companies or single individuals that want to marketer and sales they products online.
My Contact Information
You can contact me via email or just complete the contact form below. Also follow me on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
Abe Saldana
Carrollton, TX. 75007
Abe Saldana
Speaker, Developer, Trainer, and Personal Growth Coach! Empowering and helping you become the best version of yourself; one step at a time!
This is my personal blog. The opinions I express here do not necessarily represent those of my employer. The Information I provide is on an as-is basis. I make no representations as to the accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on the blog and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delay in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from this use
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