How to deploy Return to Workplace

How to deploy Return to Workplace

Featured, PowerApps, PowerPlatform, Return to School, Return to Workplace
Return to the Workplace how to deploy apps! Step by Step deployment How to Deploy the Return to Workplace Solution Release 1.3 Apps Return to Workplace Reopen responsibly, monitor intelligently and protect continuously with solutions for a safer work environment. Equip facility managers and task force leaders to make informed decisions to safely reopen locations. Empower employees to return confidently with self-service tools for working safely and productively. Help health and safety leaders ensure the care and well-being of your workforce. In this blog, we will start step by step, creating a commercial trial organization for Power Platform and will review the following steps: Create a commercial trial organization (Microsoft 365) Add the cloud services for licensing PowerApps License (Powerapps per User per Month) Assign the PowerApps license to the…
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Team Development for PowerApps Canvas Apps

Team Development for PowerApps Canvas Apps

PowerApps, PowerPlatform
This is a common question I encounter all the time when talking with customers and also developers, they ask for code-behind, source code and many more similar questions, however, the most common question is how to work in collaboration in a team environment when designing and creating PowerApps Canvas Apps. The initial understanding is that PowerApps Canvas Apps are not really built for different developers to work on them until now we have a way to collaborate using components and branching the main application design, by deconstructing the application in many components we can work on different parts of the application simultaneously and collaborate on the full design. "Components allow to clearly define the input/output and the desired behavior making your app more modular" as mentioned in the following Microsoft…
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PowerApps Canvas using Status Fields in CDS

PowerApps Canvas using Status Fields in CDS

Common Data Services CDS, Dynamics 365 CE, Flow, PowerApps, PowerPlatform
When creating a new Custom Entity and also out of the box core entities, automatically the system in this case CDS will create a series of fields that are used internally and for auditing, and others for user and application use, in this blog I want to give more details on how the Status and Status Reason are used in CDS, and how is been in Dynamics 365 CE for many years earlier.  The Status and Status Reason fields are used to make the records Active or Inactive, giving you the option to mention why the record is active (New, Active, In-progress, draft) or inactive (Cancel, Completed, Sent, ...), when the record is inactive in Dynamics 365 CE, you can NOT make more changes to the record and you will…
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PowerApps Canvas using Lookups with CDS

PowerApps Canvas using Lookups with CDS

Common Data Services CDS, Dynamics 365 CE, Flow, PowerApps, PowerPlatform
The following video is the second part of how to use Canvas apps Lookup fields with CDS (Common Data Service), this video covers how to use the combo box to display lookup fields and using CDS entities or collections to display the data, also how to save the data with PowerApps Patch function and Flow. Previously I presented a blog post and video that show how to use the Dynamics 365 connector with the canvas app and lookups, this videos will provide more details on how to use lookups with CDS (Common Data Service), there are some differences when using the Patch function on the PowerApps application. The application is similar on screen and how the collections and entities are assigned to the Combo box controls, where the differences are…
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Canvas and CDS Relationships

Canvas and CDS Relationships

Common Data Services CDS, Dynamics 365 CE, PowerApps, PowerPlatform
New features on the Common Data Service is the relationships and this blog is part of a video posted on Youtube, we will describe most of the features benefits but I will recommend viewing the video. the original documentation will give more details on how to create the Lookup fields and the relationships, the following link has the details Create a Relationship between entities (more…)
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Canvas Using OptionSets and Lookup Fields

Canvas Using OptionSets and Lookup Fields

Dynamics 365 CE, PowerApps, PowerPlatform
The new options from the CDS and PowerApps canvas applications is to use relationships with 1 to many, or many to 1, however this is natively in the Dynamics 365 CE and now on CDS, but how we use these type of fields; for a technical CRM developer this was using the Code Value for the Optionsets and using the ID Guid for the Lookups, among other parts for the complex object. The new web API help to resolve or make it more interesting the way we use these 2 objects, let me get into the details on CRM before we get into the PowerApps Canvas App. (more…)
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PowerApps Dropdown Color Theme

PowerApps Dropdown Color Theme

PowerApps, PowerPlatform
Color coordination was the original PowerApps blog post on my blog, this is the continuation of that series of theme applications and controls synchronization. One of the complex controls in PowerApps is the DropDown controls, you can search values and have multiselection also, I want to have a way to change the colors, accordingly to the topmost control that I called the HeaderBox control, this one will be the base for all the application screens color fill, and the second control is the Header Text, a label that will be the base of the Font, Font color and Size on all the form controls and all app screens. Having those 2 controls as the base of the application UI theme synchronization allows to change the colors and fonts on one location…
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PowerApps Color Consistency

PowerApps Color Consistency

PowerApps, PowerPlatform
PowerApps provide lots of options when you are designing a coordinated and synchronized color pattern for your applications. I started looking at some videos from Microsoft on how to design and create a more User appealing application and have an easier way to theme the application or add controls that will look and feel the same way, I was looking a video from Veronica Ward ( Audrie Gordon Youtube channel) and Veronica was mentioning about control consistency and alignment, really important when creating screens and forms to have a good alignment and spacing in between controls for better User interaction but also she display a way to coordinate all controls and colors on the screen. (more…)
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